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Auto paint tape

Auto paint tape is a revolutionary item for your vehicle.


Auto paint tape includes well-known fans to automobile. One of the advantages of car lakovacia páska na auto created by NewTime is it's made to prevent overspray to rest of the automobile. This means it's simple to use to rework the paint of your truck or car without the fear of messy accidents. It is practical and simple, as can be used with no effort and removed without causing any damage to the paint or other surfaces. And it's cheap since it can reduce overspray or accidental paint.

Why choose NewTime Auto paint tape?

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To use auto paint tape, start with picking size that suits for the work. Clean the surface, then cut the páska na opravu karosérie created by NewTime to the length required. Use the auto paint tape to protect the fine area and utilize it to avoid any drip paint. When the paint is placed, wait to dry before removing the tape. Then peel it, and you have now your new painted car.

Služba sa

Auto paint tape attempts to provide the service experience for clients looking for car paint security. We now have an assortment of maskovacia páska na lak auta manufactured by NewTime that sustain to the initial requirements of car owners. Our team of trained specialists are willing to answer any concerns, make this product correct, and give practical tips.


The Auto paint tape is very important. Our product is created from premium materials, that ensures no residue during removal. These ochranná páska na autá are designed by NewTime to resist the difficulty of auto painting and offer excellent adhesion to car finishes. We make sure that our auto paint tapes undergo accurate evaluation to make the performance of durability to the industry.

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