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Two Great Painters Tape: 3M ScotchBlue and FrogTape

When considering to add a fresh coat of paint on your walls or furniture there are several key factors you need to bear in mind. The big one is painters tape. Painters tape: This is a sticky type of paper-tape that you use to protect areas from getting painted over, such as edges (between two colors), or windows and other surfaces you will want clean. Today, there are lots of BesPainters Tapest choices in the industry and two good performers include 3M ScotchBlue as well as FrogTape.

Benefits of 3M ScotchBlue and FrogTape

3M ScotchBlue 2090 and Frog Tape have their own unique advantages over other painters tape in the market. They do however both share a great adhesive (meaning no paint bleed) but their characteristics is all really the same when it comes to keeping your surfaces safe and that your paint stays put.

Not only that, but these tapes are made by reputable brands with years of experience in the industry. It makes it easier through the purchase since you can just be assured that they have a consistent quality, which both professionals and hobbyists like myself really love.

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Using 3M ScotchBlue and FrogTape

You can use 3M ScotchBlue and FrogTape in the following ways

Start by cleaning the surface you are going to work with and be sure that it is free from any dust, dirt or debris.

Choose the right width of tape that will be wide enough to cover your protection area.

Proceed to use the tape on the area, ensuring apply it is straight so that holds down properly.

Pull back the ends and press firmly along their edges to help bond them securely in place, reducing the amount of paint bleed.

Apply paint inside the box, within the taped-off area. Be careful not to run over lines created by tape.

After the paint has dried, carefully and slowly peel away the tape to ensure that no paint comes off with it.

Service provided by 3M ScotchBlue and FrogTape

Because of their unique properties, both 3M ScotchBlue and FrogTape provide excellent customer service as well. They have service helplines where you can reach out to if in case you want any further support regarding their products. Their sites are also chock-full of help pages, tips and tricks as well as potential projects to paint along with them.

3M ScotchBlue and FrogTape Quality

Finally, both 3M ScotchBlue and FrogTape are just so much more reliable in terms of quality. In terms of strength and the clean, professional lines that they yield upon completion make them not only a good candidate for DIYers but also ideally mirrors what you would expect in many commercial situations.

When you want the best quality painters tape that will actually stick where it should we love 3M ScotchBlue and FrogTape. In addition to their many unique benefits, features and safety applications; customer satisfaction guarantees high-end results everytime you paint with them.

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